BAUR software for the statistical estimation of the cable life time engineered by



Experienced-based analysis of the cable condition and estimation of the statistical remaining life time
  • Analysis of the entire cable network condition based on different dissipation factor parameters
  • LT Wizard - statistical tool for defining parameters for determining the remaining life time
  • Innovative, patented evaluation algorithm for the statistical estimation of the remaining life time of MV cables
  • Validated by 45,000 dissipation factor measurements on 15,000 cable routes

The statex® analysis software is used for the detailed determination of the ageing condition, the speed of ageing and the statistical remaining life time of a cable route based on the dissipation factor diagnostics with VLF truesinus® voltage (Very Low Frequency).

In addition to the conventional evaluation parameters of IEEE 400.2 (SDTD, MTD and ΔTD) , the statex® also takes into account a new parameter - TD-Skirt - which illustrates the time stability of the dissipation factor (TD). This makes it possible to calculate the ageing index R and the speed of ageing VR of the cable route. It is also possible to receive an exact recommendation for when a subsequent measurement should be performed, or when work is required on the cable route. The economical operating limit of the cable and a company-specific safety margin are also incorporated in the calculation, which determines the optimal point in time to replace the cable.

Taking into consideration individual company guidelines and the visualisation of complex correlations between the various analysis parameters in a 3D matrix, statex® offers a new, ground-breaking option for cost-effective, operationally safe asset management.


  • LT Wizard - a comprehensive statistical tool for evaluating measurement results and defining limit values for calculating the remaining life time of various cable types and lengths
  • Information on the overall network condition enables targeted responses to critical cable conditions
  • Determines the speed of ageing and the remaining life time of a cable based on the dissipation factor diagnostics with VLF truesinus® voltage
  • 3D illustration of the correlation between normalised evaluation parameters MTD, ΔTD and TD-Skirt as a basis for determining the remaining life time of the cable
  • Takes into consideration company-specific guidelines when determining a point in time for cable repairs (security of supply)
  • New evaluation parameter TD-Skirt for estimating the remaining life time
  • Ageing index R for the overall assessment of the dielectric losses, and voltage and time stability
  • Calculates an “action required” date
  • BAUR diagnostics systems deliver measurement data to the required level of precision
  • Simple maintenance of measurement and cable data in a central cable database
  • Optimal estimation of the remaining life time of the cable route
  • Reduction in the failure rate
  • Prevention of social costs

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