Cable fault location

Despite major developments in this field, faults still occur frequently in cable systems for various reasons. In addition to trained personnel, you also need very efficient equipment to rectify faults.
Cable fault location devices and systems from BAUR cover the entire cable fault location process:
The initial fault analysis provides the basis for determining the subsequent procedure in the fault location process. During pre-location, the position of the fault is roughly located. The subsequent pin-pointing enables precise determination of the cable fault. Cable identification is used to identify the defective cable in a route. You can use various measurement methods depending on the type of fault and cable type.
All cable fault location products
Video Gallery
Insulating oil testing with DTA/DPA:
Creating files with ITS Lite:
Insulating oil testing- Baur explainer- 1
Insulating oil testing- Baur explainer- 2
Cable Fault Location
Protrac- BAUR fault pinpointing system
BAUR Software 4 cable testing and diagnostic
Cable testing and diagnostics
Baur cable diagnostics measurement methods
Baur Frida and Viola VLF tester
Parallel dissipation factor (TD) and partial discharge (PD) measurement
Baur Software Statex