Breakthrough price/performance in on-line DGA
Our industry leading Serveron® on-line DGA monitors and TM View™ software are monitoring generation, transmission and distribution power transformers worldwide. DGA (dissolved gas analysis) of transformer oil is the single best indicator of a transformer's overall condition. Now with three models, the Serveron TM8™, TM3™ and TM1™, Qualitrol offers electric utilities on-line DGA solutions across the entire power transformer fleet. Serveron DGA transformer monitors provide the important and timely information needed to maintain the reliability and safety of transformer fleets.
- No Membrane
- No Sensor Replacement
- No Consumables
The latest addition to the market leading family of transformer monitors, the Serveron Model TM1 offers a breakthrough price/ performance point in on-line DGA. For the first time, the benefits of on-line condition monitoring can be realized across the distribution transformer fleet. The Serveron TM1 continuously monitors and reports hydrogen PPM Levels and can be programmed to alarm based on PPM Levels and/or Rate of Change (ROC), warning operators of potentially disruptive transformer faults and pending failures.
Low Cost of Ownership:

- Moisture-in-oil and oil temperature measurement.
- Turnkey Installation Services including Serveron TM1 deployment and TM View software user training
- Serveron® Monitoring Service (SMS) offers the convenience of secure 24x7 access to all of your Serveron® DGA transformer monitor data from any Internet-connected Windows PC running our SMS software.
- A variety of service plans to ensure proper monitor operation over the long term.
Qualitrol offers the Serveron TM1 with the following options.
Qualitrol provides utilities with the following services for our on-line DGA monitors.
The Serveron TM1 offers a breakthrough price/performance point in on-line DGA for distribution and other power transformers in the grid. For the first time, the benefits of on-line condition monitoring can be realized across the distribution transformer fleet. Hydrogen gas buildup in transformer oil is an early indicator of incipient transformer faults. The Serveron TM1 continuously monitors hydrogen PPM Levels and can be programmed to alarm based on PPM Levels and/or Rate of Change (ROC), warning operators of potentially disruptive transformer faults and pending failures.